Consider giving Where Most Needed. Your money will do the most good, because Jumpah can apply it to our most urgent needs -- often to pay for everyday, crucial costs to train, encourage, support and uplift the people we serve. These same funds may be used to meet an urgent and unexpected opportunity, or can even be applied to a capital expense such as a
classroom renovation, a computer or a water pump.
2 ways to donate
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Send a check (tax deductible), marked
"project cambodia" to:
Jumpah's Social Enterprises train and hire adults from surrounding villages. Only earned income can provide hope and empower families to better their lives.
The Jumpah School keeps growing.
Parents are beginning to view education as important but when funds are scarce, kids are pulled out of school. has registered as a 501(c)(3). Should be official soon.
contact us is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible in full or in part.