Jumpah wants all children to learn at a good school
But today, Cambodia’s education indicators are among the lowest in Asia. Here are just some of the challenges that Jumpah and our teachers are trying to overcome.
31 percent of Cambodia's population of 14.3 million people live below the poverty line, most of whom reside in rural areas
Many Cambodian children take 10 years or more to complete primary school due to being held back consistently.
Cambodia does not have enough teachers and classrooms for all the children in Cambodia.
Minimal teacher capacity and a lack of training opportunities mean very poor quality of education.
Finishing primary school is one of the most important solutions to eventually overcoming poverty.
Almost half of families need their children to work in order to supplement household income.
When children are given the opportunity to attend school from an early age, they are much more likely to complete school.
Education is not considered a high value when poverty is rampant.
more than half of Cambodian schoolchildren do not complete primary school
Slide show: school year
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Jumpah is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible in full or in part.